Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Importance of Fashion

Fashion has its own importance in world.Fashion is not a new thing in the world.Fashion is an old thing and it is found every where and at all the times.Yes, from time to time fashion changed but it has shown its existence in all ages.And it is not true to say that only young people do fashion,fashion is for every body and every body do the fashion.Yes the fashion may be different for all age groups.

Actually fashion is a way to express yourself.Mostly you can judge a person's nature and to some extent you can judge a person from his/her fashion.Fashion shows what kind of person you are.

Fashion,if done in a good manner,also increases your beauty.Actually,these days beauty depends on fashion.Fashion is a way to measure how beautiful some body is. And in the modern society an old fashioned guy is not liked by many people.Fashion is done in many ways.First there are fashionable clothes.

It is said these days that fashion in clothes changes overnight.And it is also a joke that if one has bought a clothing today,he/she must wear it today because it is possible by tomorrow it can go out of fashion.Fashion is also seen in hair.And fashion in hair is also an old age tradition.Some people like long hair and some like their head without hair.Hair styling is a different kind of fashion. Fashion also exists in cosmetics.

  • It is also seen in shoes.Fashion is even seen in your way of talking.And how to walk is also a fashion.Actually fashion has become a part of our life.Nobody can remain untouched without fashion.You must have some kind of fashion show your existence in the society.You may be a rich person or poor,you must have some kind of fashion.

Now,from where it comes? And I think it is well known fact that it comes from the show business,The Film Industry.Mostly people follow the celebrities for fashion. What most popular Actress/Actor wore in a film,it becomes a fashion overnight.Actually,fashion is an industry these days.

  • Millions of people earn their livelihood from fashion worldwide.So we can say fashion is very important in this world rather it was important at all the times.And I would say,we can't think about the world without fashion.It runs in the blood of people these days.And it is showing its importance by the passage of time.And I think too much can be written in fashion.But I am finishing here,because it has gone already too long.

  • As civilized human beings, clothing is a requirement in order to be decent and presentable to the public. So unless you are a nudist, you may have difficulty deciding what to wear in the morning and discovering your own personal style. Some people on the other hand simply don't see fashion as something important and pick out random articles of clothing, disregarding the message they are sending to the public. The fact is clothing does more than just conceals your body, it has to ability to accentuate your figure, minimize your flaws, give you the image of either professionalism or slovenliness, convey your individuality, and make you feel your best.

Since the vast majority of people have no choice but to clothe themselves, there is no excuse for people to wear unflattering clothes. People come in all shapes and sizes and there are an assortment of clothing styles that are capable of both accentuating your best assets and concealing your flaws. This alone makes fashion a very important thing. If women were to accept their body types and learn how to dress them by wearing flattering clothing, they may never have to ask their husbands the dreaded question "Do I look fat in this?" again.

  • Fashion is also a reflection of yourself and what kind of person you are. Even though you may have an excellent career, people may be wary of your ability if you look unkempt. It's only human nature for people to judge others by their appearance, and ones attire is a vital component of that. Fashion is important because it allows people to project the image that they want others to see. Although people may object and tell others "not to judge a book by its cover," first impressions are everything.

If you do not look the part when you are going into a job interview, you risk your employers giving the job to someone they feel would be more qualified. Your wardrobe may not only have an impact on your professional life, but your personal life as well. If you are in the dating scene, you want to look your best and a part of that is by dressing appropriately. If you are a women who wear miniskirts and low-cut shirts, you may attract the wrong kind of men because you are giving the impression of being easy.

  • Not only is fashion a powerful way of manipulating the public's opinion of you,--it also allows your convey your individuality. If you went to a private school where you were forced to wear uniforms, you may realize how boring it is to dress just like everyone else. There are an assortment of stores that sell different styles of clothing from preppy, punk, goth, and skater.

  • You can show the world what type of music you listen to by wearing the shirt you got at a concert, your sense of humor by wearing a tee with a witty saying, or your stance on political issues by wearing it on your attire. Fashion is not all about trends. We should not be mindless zombies that believe what Vogue says we have to wear. Fashion is about looking our best while still incorporating our own unique style and individuality while choosing clothing that flatters our body.

  • Dressing in fashion -----will open many doors in your life: professionally and socially.
    If you dress with baggy pants and a T-shirt you will find a job as a busboy in a cheap restaurant, or a cleaning boy or girl in a small store, with wages that won't even help you pay the rent.

We live in a world where the way you dress says so much about you and your aptitudes, might not be true, might be you are damn smart, with an IQ of over 100, but if you dress like a slob, you won't land a job that goes with your knowledge, and it goes the same way around, if you dress fashionably, even if your IQ is not that high, you will land a job in a higher position socially.

  • People treat you the way they see you, racism is not only about gender or race, is about fashion and looks as well, you dress well, you'll be treated well, you dress sloppy... chances are you won't get beyond the door of a good company or a good restaurant to dine, even a date with that "hot" person, regardless if you have the money.
    Fashion is important, it sends the message that you care for yourself, that you are updated, but most of all that you are presentable. Your looks say whether you are responsible or not, that's how important fashion is!
    It's all in the looks.
  • Lastly, fashion is important to make people feel their best. When you wear clothes that fit you properly and really mirror your taste, it can add a boost of confidence. When you feel good in what you are wearing, you may find yourself in a better mood and in turn people will begin to view you differently. Overall, it's amazing what some fabric and do for our self-esteem!

The Importance of Fashion Trends

Fashion trends come and go, but a good fashion sense stays with you forever. Different people have different tastes in fashion, and while you may not always agree with them, they own up to their fashion sense with confidence. This is what makes a big difference between a fashion sense and fashion trend. Fashion trends dictate that we wear whatever is in season otherwise we could be rudely stared at or whispered about in public, or worse, we can be cited as examples of what a fashion faux pas is.

While to some extent we are compelled to follow the norms in fashion, it doesn’t necessarily follow that we lose our own sense of style in the process. Celebrities for instance, know that they are being judged by more than half the world’s population by what they wear on what occasion, and for this reason alone, they turn to famous designers to dress them up in the latest threads in fashion.

However, you will also notice that most of them incorporate their own sense of style into these fashion trends, and they are quite successful at it, too. The Latest Fashion Trends Nevertheless, it gives you some sort of security and peace of mind even knowing that what you are wearing is within the agreeable style of fashion for a particular season.

Perhaps there is something to be said about the false sense of security that this kind of approval provides. But on the other hand, it is actually not so much as seeking approval as the current trend really IS appealing to the public. After all, fashion trends are there not only to dictate to us what to wear but more so to show us different comfortable styles that we can choose from if we fancy wearing them.

Fashion trends take a lot of factors into consideration such as the weather, season, comfort, and lifestyle. So in reality, fashion trends are there to help people decide which one suits them best and which ones they can go without. Create Your Style If you go with the latest trends and use your imagination or creativity to make it your own style, you might find that there’s more to your wardrobe than only one look.

You can also incorporate your mood into what you’re going to wear. You can exude playfulness or show your sexy side on some occasions and then be a little conservative on other days. Remember that fashion trends are more of guidelines on what you can wear for whatever occasion. For instance, if you’re stumped for ideas on what to wear to a formal event thrown by your company or you don’t know what to wear to a luau, fashion trends can help you solve this mystery. You can even ask fashion gurus who write in fashion magazines about advices on proper attires for every occasion.

After all, you wouldn’t want to be caught dead wearing flip-flops to your cousin’s wedding reception or jeans to a beach party, do you?

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