Sunday, November 15, 2009

Age Limit For Being Fashionable

No Age Limit on Fashion

While age may stop women from going on a hike to the mountains, traveling, or pursuing their careers, aging surely won?t stop today?s fashion-forward women from wearing and enjoying the latest trends in fashion world Knowing the limits? Julian O?Neal, a 60 year old lady points out that many of today?s fashionable clothes ? from miniskirts to baggy jeans ? can be found on the list of the trendy clothing that she wore way back in her younger daysWhile age may stop women from going on a hike to the mountains, traveling, or pursuing their careers, aging surely won?t stop today?s fashion-forward women from wearing and enjoying the latest trends in fashion world. Knowing the limits? Julian O?Neal, a 60 year old lady points out that many of today?s fashionable clothes ? from miniskirts to baggy jeans ? can be found on the list of the trendy clothing that she wore way back in her younger days. However, although she likes to be stylish and she admits that she still wants to wear trendy clothes, she draws the line on some of today?s fashion trends. She notes that while jeans and pants still fit her age, she couldn?t bring herself to wear miniskirt. Ms. O?Neal notes that most women find it hard to determine what is ?too young to wear? and what''s not. In some cases, the issue remains to be a relative matter and much depends on the individual decision of the person. She also further explains that what you wear has a lot to do with your attitude. In her case, she dresses relatively young because she feels young. As such, she also thinks that wearing a younger clothing line will make her look younger. ?I have fun with fashions, and I like looking at all the exciting new styles coming out,? she explains. Fashion really has no age limit? Suzanne Bishop, owner of a fashion boutique in Chattanooga, Tenn. believes that there is no age limit for looking stylish. She points out that ?Women of all ages want to wear stylish fashion.? In her opinion, the ability of a woman to become stylist just depends on knowing ?what looks good on you and what doesn?t.? Ms. Bishop does not speak just for herself. Rather, she speaks on behalf of her customers. She stated that her customers are usually between ages 18 to 65. Some are even older. However, she noted that there are some issues regarding the preferences and ?fashion goals? of the young and the old. Ms. Bishop notes that there are a few physical issues that many older women want to address. This includes the task of concealing certain body features ? the arms, knees and necks ? which may reveal elaborate signs of old age. As such, Ms. Bishop advises the trendy crowd of the old age to select dresses and skirts that are just below the knee. Wearing a scarf or a turtleneck outfit may be perfect as well, especially during cold weather. For tops, blouses with short or long sleeves will do. Too much jewelry should also be avoided. Ms. Bishop adds that what?s important to acknowledge is the fact that women of old age can still be stylish. "Sixty is the new 40," Ms. Bishop said. She says that many women who are now in their 60s tend to appear and look 20 years younger. This is because they are conscious of their health and they do their best to stay in good shape. What?s more is that contrary to popular misconceptions, mature women of today do not want to look old but neither do they want to be considered too young. Ms. Bishop even points out that "A 60-year-old can look just as chic as anyone half her age". However, she explains that the technique here is to know how and where to draw the line. After all, overdoing fashion is always not a good idea.

Clothes for the Elderly

As people age, their needs and fashion preferences will also change There are many factors that can impact the type of attire an older adult might choose to wear, including their lifestyle as well as health factors such as mobility, arthritis, and incontinenceAs people age, their needs and fashion preferences will also change. There are many factors that can impact the type of attire an older adult might choose to wear, including their lifestyle as well as health factors such as mobility, arthritis, and incontinence. Comfort is often named as the primary factor when seniors are choosing their clothes. Once they retire, there is no longer a need to dress for the professional environment. Many seniors look forward to the freedom of dressing as they see fit after spending many years limited to wearing business suits or uniforms, depending on the company?s dress code. While looks remains an important factor for seniors, other factors can also affect their decision making when selecting appropriate attire. It is a sad reality that a significant portion of seniors will experience health problems which will require the use of adaptive clothing. Adaptive Clothing adapts to the wearer''s special needs such as those who have difficulty doing up buttons, zippers, etc. These are clothes that will make senior feel great without the fuss. Older adults who may be limited in terms of dressing themselves and performing other daily functions are often able to maintain their independence with the use of adaptive clothing items. Here are some examples of how adaptive clothing can help: Seating dressing options: When a older adult has limited mobility or balance, getting dressed with regular clothes may be a challenge. Adaptive clothing can allow him or her to get dressed while remaining seated. These types of clothing items usually have open backs, making the act of dressing as stress free as possible for older adults who cannot stand up. Easy to fasten clothes: Seniors with limited dexterity caused by arthritis, osteoporosis, or other health problems, may find standard clothing very difficult and frustrating to use. Elderly clothing items often fasten with Velcro or snaps rather than zippers or buttons making it easier for senior with limited dexterity to dress themselves. Incontinence concerns: Incontinence is a problem that is shared by many elderly adults. Specialized clothes with Velcro or snaps will allow for easy access and rapid changes on a regular basis. Adaptive clothing that fits well is important to senior consumers but so is clothing that improves their functional independence, makes dressing and undressing a breeze, provides thermal comfort, is adaptable to individual needs, and allows them to perform their routine duties easily. Older adults spend only about 6 percent of their income on clothing and as a result generally have smaller wardrobes than any other age groups. Choosing, comfortable, easy to put on and with an appropriate fit items of clothing becomes very important for maximizing a limited wardrobe. And senior clothing does not have to be boring. Comfortable can also be fun and fashionable. Just remember that properly selected clothing that can help seniors maintain their self-esteem, by allowing them to dress themselves, and feel good about growing older will allow them to really enjoy their golden years. Happy shopping!

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