Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fashion in Asia Today

Asian Fashion Trends
Among the most prevalent of such trends is the looseness of fit of many of the garments the editor saw. She speculated that such looseness, referred to as 'volume', has to do with the fact that Asian women are more slight of stature stature /sta·ture/ (stach´ur) the height or tallness of a person standing, stat·uren.The height of a person.

Staturethe height of an animal in the standing position. than their western counterparts. Some of these 'loose' garments, however, are stylish enough to cross international boundaries. But the idea of 'looseness' as a way of dressing overall is likely to remain in Asia. The editor, reviewing one "sack-like dress" reported that from what she sees on the streets it "is pretty much a permanent fixture An article in the nature of Personal Property which has been so annexed to the realty that it is regarded as a part of the real property. That which is fixed or attached to something permanently as an appendage and is not removable.
" The 'loose' style also translated into a 'volume' look in 'pouffy' skirts. This is seen repeatedly on the street and in the stores. In terms of style icons, animal prints proliferate pro·lif·er·atev.To grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, or offspring. in Asia, but, again these prints are adopted only selectively internationally. This has to do with another specific phenomenon local to Asia. And it has to do with the self image many Asian women have of themselves.
The editor identifies this as a "Peter Pan syndrome Peter Pan syndrome Any condition named for the 'boy who would not grow up' Endocrinology Physical immaturity due to a hypothalamic defect with underdeveloped 2ยบ sexual characteristics occurring in ♂ children with microphalus and ↓ height ." And she defines it in marketing terms this way. The image refers to, "looking like a cute cute adj. cut·er, cut·est1. Delightfully pretty or dainty.2. Obviously contrived to charm; precious: "[He] girl is preferable to [a] sophisticated woman." In terms of colorsnot of the white race; - commonly meaning, esp. in the United States, of negro blood, pure or mixed.See also: Color ..... Click the link for more information., red is prominent in Asia. This trend is derived from China where the color red is considered lucky.
The editor also speculated that the appearance of the color red in fashion shows contributed to its popularity. The trend toward layering is catching on in the west, but in Asia layering "is just a routine." And in leather goods, patent leather is popular, "in all the colors of the rainbow."
Asian Clothing does not include chinese and Japanese clothing only, as mentioned and propagated by most of the websites today, rather they include clothing of all asian countries no matter how much are they contributing towards development od fashion industry around the world.
We, on this website, have posted a few glimpses of what actually is meant by Asain Fashion and which Asian countries are contributing the most in the fashion industry.

Fashion in Asia Today

1 comment:

  1. indeed asian fashion is emerging not just only in fashion as well as in the music scene,based on the wide range of kpop online store.
