Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fashion Trends you Should Ignore

Fashion trends you should ignore include but are not limited to, mmhhh....let's see, I would most definitly have to ignore my old dance teachers idea of gaining a pair of sleeves by cutting a hole in the crotch of her tights and wearing them over her head. It just seemed too gross for me.

I would also ignore any attire with the snappy mart logo on it. That just seems so uneconomical to me. I would also suggest that you ignore swimsuits that are too small if you are big. I would ignore red lipstick unless you are a dancer on stage.

I would also not wear so many rings on my fingers that you couldn't see the skin of them. We should ask the skaters they ignore everything but their skateboards and ignore sonic carhops because instead of cute skirts and volleyball bloomers they are forced to carhop in polos and khaki's.

Ok so I would ignore any nurse who isn't wearing some sort of cute hoodie from old navy and I would also ignore a nurse who didn't wear nikes. Tennis players have a few things I would ignore but mostly it would be the severe tan lines. I would also ignore any swimmer who wears a swimsuit twenty years beyond her age.

The local coffee shop people who have their fashion trend that doesn't read starbucks. Another fashion trend that should most definately be ignored is the flight attendant style suit that this world said ten years ago was, the thing to wear for a job interview.

I really never dug those broomstick skirts either and thought that people who were fat just got fatter because it was another lazy elastic waisted thing to put around that big belly. Another fashion trend you should ignore is the big giant size belts, I mean go figure, remember those shades that were made in the eighties that were very very gigantic, like you belonged in a marvel comic or something. Anyone who wears a cape and is beyond the age three, claims he is a super hero, should also be ignored.

I have seen most fashion come and go and would say that most things are no longer considered a trend but a total piece of history that repeats itself in your grandaughters generation.

In fashion, one day you're in and then the next day, you're out.

For this season, I've noticed many trends that are fading away and new ones that are coming in. Some of the new trends aren't realistic for the modern-day girl.

For instance, overalls that have short short bottoms and ridiculous straps usually in a black material. This look would be fin for Mischa Barton, but for the Average Jane, you can omit buying into this trend.

The daisy duke trend is officially over. We shouldn't be seeing women on the street trying to pull of Jessica's trademark look circa 2005. If you aren't ready to part from this item, wear them to the beach.

Boho and hippie looks are on their way out also. The newest trends seem to be sleek and more put together looks. Think less casual.

Short ( but not too skimpy) mini dresses are the new dress of the season. Long dresses are out and good thing since global warming is playing a role in the rising heat this summer. Think sheek and cuffed shorts for this season.

Flare jeans are out. Get in with the times and wear those skinny jeans everyone has been raving about, they will flatter your body and you'll feel sexy strutting your stuff. Boot cut jeans are on their way out as well.

Here's another tip, if you're having trouble finding something that you like that is in style, just remember to find an item that fits your body type and looks good on you. Always remember to be yourself and if you don't look good in big retro sunglasses, then don't do it.

Trends change in relation to the times, seasons or as a result of a major event. It can even represent the current mood of the public. For instance, concerns over the troubled U.S. economy prompted the designers to create more high quality clothes, so that people can feel like they're getting more for their dollar. Some trends transcend time like the little black dress while some trends fade faster than a bad hair color. Remember the ponchos anyone?

Trends start as a result of someone's creativity and spreads to the masses and suddenly everyone's sporting that "must have" piece of clothing or accessory. While we see some great trends, whether they originate from the streets or the runway, there are some trends that are better left on the racks.

1. Bubble skirts: While this trend was actually from the last season, it still makes an appearance from time to time via a misguided fashionista. Even on the most sveltest of figures, it can look rather odd. Why, oh why, would you want to sport this fancy potato sack?

2. High-waisted pants: It started off in retaliation to the "bare as you dare and fall victim to the plumber's butt syndrome" jeans. After the shameless and unattractive dispays thongs, waistline kept creeping up until it hit just below the rib cage. This look is said to help legs look longer. However it cuts your torso in half. Anything that makes you appear disproportionate should be avoided. Instead go for the more flattering mid-rise waist which hits just below your natural waistline.

3. See through clothes: Your grandmother was right when she said "please wear a slip". Believe me ladies, not everyone wants to know the color of your underwear. So, do invest in a slip or a camisole to wear under that "lingerie inspired" top or dress.

4. Too much jewelry: Accessories can make or break an outfit. Jewelry should be worn like a little icing on the cake. Too much of it all at once- the long dangling earnings, layers of long beaded necklaces and stacks of chunky bracelets-will make you look cheap and tawdry. If you ever find yourself falling in a body of water, you will sink like a stone.

5. Uggs: Yes they're comfortable. Yes they keep your feet warm in the winter and cool in the summer, but they've been long out of fashion for sometime. Unless you are trekking through the snow in the midst of a bad winter storm, it's time to give them a rest.

6. Animal Prints: The leopard print only looks good......well on the leopard! If you have one of these, or a zebra print, or anything that looks like it came from an animal, faux or real, please put it way back in your closet. Better yet, burn it before PETA comes looking for you.

In any event, no one should be judged based on their appearance. Although that's not the case in the world in which we live. Even the most fashionable celebrities have been fashion victims from time to time. Fashion is subjective because it's an expression of a person's individuality. Even fashion critics don't all share the same views. While some critics may rave about a particular trend another might trash the very same thing. Fashion is a reflection of who you are, so have fun with it.

Analysis of a Trend

Thumb through your favorite photo album and you're sure to encounter some pictures that will leave you cringing in embarrassment. Whatever possessed you to parade about in those fingerless lace gloves and could your hair have gotten any bigger? Not to worry: you were merely following the trends of the moment. Trends are style phenomena that sweep through the worlds of fashion, accessories, hair and makeup with all the force, and short-lived duration, of a tornado!

An integral part of pop culture, trends can define eras in highly unflattering ways. Take for instance the open-to-the-waist polyester shirts sported by John Travolta in the 70's disco classic film Saturday Night Fever. And who can forget rapper MC Hammer's infamous diaper pants or the shoulder pads to rival an NFL linebacker on the female cast of 80's prime-time soap Dynasty?

Thankfully, not all trends are bad. Some have become style classics such as the late Jackie O's ladylike suits and pillbox hats from the 60's that were reinvented on Reese Witherspoon in the hit movie Legally Blonde: Red, White & Blonde. Smooth jazz chanteuse Sade launched another trend with longevity: her sleek ponytail and siren red lipstick look as fresh today as they did when she first burst onto the music scene more than two decades ago.

If you can't survive without the latest trends in your wardrobe, be forewarned: keeping up with them is an expensive habit. Why? Because trends are notoriously brief in duration and quickly replaced by new ones. And if you dare sport a trend at the end of it's life cycle, you'll look dated at best or ridiculous at worst. To remain current with new trends, be prepared to make purchases frequently.

When adding a trend to your existing wardrobe, it's wise to show some restraint. If animal prints are all the rage, don't splurge on the head-to-toe faux leopard ensemble. Yes, the hooded duster, boots, jumpsuit and luggage all looked great in Shania Twain's music video, That Don't Impress Me Much, but remember: she's got designers clamoring to dress her for free.

Try opting for one animal print item - like a blouse, scarf or handbag - that works well with solid neutrals. Still not convinced? Okay, read on. The all-too-brief lifeline of a trend goes a little something like this.

Phase 1: We think we like it! Contemporary buyers attend New York and European fashion shows to preview silhouette, fabric, color and accessory trends. In addition, many buyers subscribe to trend reports from fashion forecasting services. The buyers place orders that will be seen first in limited quantities at cutting edge retailers. The most daring consumers, including celebrities and socialites, purchase the new trend and wear it to high profile events. Contemporary buyers monitor sales of the trend and if it's "hot" - i.e. flying off the racks - reorders for additional quantities are placed.

Phase 2: Everybody wants it! Missy and moderate priced buyers have been analyzing the popularity of the new trend since it's introduction into the market. Once convinced it's a hit that will sell to their customer base, they place orders and soon the product is widely available. National and regional chain department stores with moderate price points prominently feature and advertise the trend. By now mainstream consumers have seen it everywhere: on their favorite celebrities, in magazines and on television. The trend has been universally accepted, consumers purchase it en masse and in no time it has saturated the market.

Phase 3: We hate it! The trend is everywhere and the thrill is gone. The market is glutted with the trend, fashionistas have long since stopped sporting the look and mainstream consumer complain that stores "all carry the same thing." Budget and off -price buyers seek to purchase "immediates," unsold lots of an item manufacturers are eager to unload to recoup a portion of their production costs. Budget shoppers begin to see the trend at closeout stores. Size and color lots may be broken and limited. The trend has now reached the end of its life cycle.

To summarize, trends keep fashion fresh by injecting a sense of newness into the market. Enjoy them but before buying ask yourself one key question: is the trend in Phase 1 or 2? If so, go for it! If it's in Phase 3, take a pass. By following this simple rule you'll always position yourself for maximum wear and enjoyment. And if you should happen to forget everything you've just learned, there's still hope. If you keep it in your closet long enough, it will eventually come back into style!

Just because a celebrity wears it doesn't mean everyone should. Well, many times this isn't the case. There are a lot of young women and even older women who go on following celebrity fashion trends, when they may actually look silly in what they are wearing. It seems like celebrities nowadays wear some outrageous things, many times to get noticed, and then the general public considers them a fashion icon so a whole new fashion trend is started. Many times, the celebrity does not look good, so how can the general public look good in the fashion trend.

Here are some current celebrity fashion trends that you should avoid.
Extra Large SunglassesEveryone has seen Nicole or Mary Kate Olsen wearing huge sunglasses lately. They are so big (and these women are so small) that the sunglasses take up their whole face. Basically they look like a bug and it just doesn't look well. Some larger frames of sunglasses can be cute, but you have to make sure that they are not covering 50% of your face. Stick with a classic frame on your sunglasses and you can always be in fashion.

Short Shorts with Tall BootsSuch celebrities as Hilary Duff have been seen around Hollywood wearing short shorts with tall boots. A popular boot that is worn with short shorts is the moccasin boot. Now, the moccasin boot is a winter boot. It is supposed to provide warmth as it is made from heavy materials. Why would you then wear a winter boot with short shorts. This makes no sense. Leave the tall boots to colder weather and wearing them with longer pants or skirts, because short shorts and tall boots just looks plain silly.

Gladiator Sandals That Go Up To The Knees Gladiator sandals are really popular right now, not only with celebrities but with everybody. Gladiator sandals are sandals that are usually flats that have straps going across them in the front. They can be cute with a pair of shorts or even a dress. The ones that are a celebrity don't are the ones like Ashley Tisdale was seen wearing were the sandal is laced all the way up to the knees. So you have a flat sandal with straps all the way up to the knees. First of all, this can't be very comfortable to wear.

Secondly, it looks very odd to have a sandal all the way up to a person's knee and unless you are actually a gladiator then you may want to skip those. My advice, stick with the cute gladiator sandals that stop at the ankle.

JumpsuitsFor some reason some celebrities such as Rihanna seem to love wearing jumpsuits. I'm really not sure why, as they are not flattering and they look like the person just came from the 80's in a time machine. Thankfully, I have yet to see a person around me wear a jumpsuit, but you never know. This is one celebrity fashion trend that really should not catch on. Jumpsuits are better left to babies and toddlers to wear.

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